Have Your Say On Kingborough Council’s Proposed Changes to its Environmental By-Law

Media Enquiries

Sophie Underwood
PMAT State Director 
0407 501 999


Residents are being asked to have a say on planned changes to Kingborough Council’s by-laws that may make it easier to cut down high value conservation trees and trees listed on the significant tree register.

Both the Taroona Community Association and the Taroona Environment Network fear the changes will result in the loss of important habitat trees for the critically endangered swift parrot and ruin the area’s reputation as an ecologically sustainable place to live.

The proposal would remove Part 7: Trees on Private Property from the Kingborough Council Environmental By-Law. Currently, this part of the by-law prevents the damage of high conservation value trees or trees that are on the significant tree register, without a permit.

Please make a submission to the Kingborough Council before the close of business, Monday 19 July, on this proposal.

To ensure Kingborough Council keeps this important part of its environment by-law intact please make a submission in three simple steps:

Step 1: Review the proposed by-laws on the Kingborough Council website.

Step 2: Email your submission to kc@kingborough.tas.gov.au with the subject heading “By-laws submission”.

Step 3: In your submission, please ask the council to retain protections for high value conservation trees and let them know you do not want to see Part 7 of the Environmental By-Law removed. Let the council know that you value the area’s large native trees and do not want to see the environmental by-law weakened.

PMAT believes the proposal to remove current protections for trees, such as large habitat trees and trees listed on the significant tree register would be a backward step and is concerned that such changes could become common across the state, if local residents are not informed, and don’t speak up.

Like so many Tasmanian communities, Kingborough is a beautiful, vibrant place that is highly valued for its natural surroundings.

Tearing up these by-laws in Kingborough, but also potentially in other municipalities, does nothing for Tasmania’s cherished biodiversity and landscapes or our sense of place.

Tasmanian Bluegum

If proposed changes to Kingborough Council’s by-laws go ahead it will be much easier for developers to cut down important habitat trees like this Tasmanian blue gum.

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