Alliance Members

PMAT Alliance

Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania (PMAT) is united with a common concern over the weakening of the state’s planning rules. The Tasmanian Planning Scheme is set to come into effect in 2024/25 and PMAT is committed to making it better.

The level of collaboration and solidarity emerging within this planning campaign and the groups involved is unprecedented in lutruwita/Tasmania and crosses community group genres: Recreation, Environment, Urban/local community associations, European built heritage, rate payers and Friends of groups.


Why join our Alliance?

PMAT Connects

fostering contact between local groups/people with similar concerns and interests.

PMAT raises awareness of planning laws

and how they impact individuals and communities at the local level, encouraging members to become involved.

Argue for systemic change to Parliament/ State Government.

Being part of an alliance can amplify planning issues and argue for systemic change to Parliament/ State Government.

PMAT is a source of advice /information

for example, setting up local groups, how to run public meetings, writing submissions, and much more.

A simple process and doesn’t cost anything to join

It’s a simple process and doesn’t cost anything to join or maintain your community group’s membership

Join the Alliance

If you’re a group or organisation that would like to join the PMAT Alliance, please fill out the form below or download a copy of our flyer that includes more information on the simple process for joining.

PMAT Alliance Group Members

Australian Garden History Society Tasmania
Beaumaris Action Network
Better Hobart
BirdLife Tasmania
Blackmans Bay Community Association Inc.
Central North Field Naturalists Inc.
Climate Action Northwest
Council of Hobart Community Associations
Cremorne Community
Cultural Heritage Practitioners
Action Group Inc

East Coast Alliance Inc. (ECA)
Environment Tasmania (ET)
Far South Future Alliance
Fern Tree Community Association (FTCA)
Freycinet Action Network (FAN)
Friends of Great Western Tiers
Friends of North Bruny Inc (FONB Inc.)
Friends of the Blue Tier
Friends of Ralphs Bay
Friends of the Tamar Valley
Friends of Wirksworth
Furneaux Islands Protective Network Inc
Glebe Residents’ Association
Hands Off Our Gorge
Heritage Protection Society (Tasmania) Inc
Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc.
Hobart Not Highrise Inc
Howden Progress Association Inc
Howrah Hills Landcare Group
Huon Valley Dog Walking Association Inc.
Huon Valley Residents & Ratepayers Association (Inc)
Kangaroo Bay Voice
Launceston Heritage Not Highrise
Marine Protection Tasmania
Meander Area Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.
Mersey Mountains Action Group (MMAG)
Mount Stuart Residents Inc
Mt Roland Preservation Society Inc.
Neighbours of Fish Farming
New Town Community Association Inc
No Fish Farms in Tasmania’s East Coast Waters
North East Bioregional Network
North West Environment Centre
No Turbine Action Group (NTAG)
Re Imagine The End (RITE)
Residents Opposed to the Cable Car (ROCC)
Save Rosny Parks Tasmania
Seymour Community Action Group
S.O.L.V.E. Supporting Our Loongana Valley Environment Inc.
South Hobart Progress Association
South Hobart Sustainable Community Inc 
Southern Beaches Conservation Society
St Helens Point Progress Association
Taroona Community Association (TCA)
Tasman Peninsula Marine Protection (TPMP)
Tasmanian Aquaculture Reform Alliance
Tasmanian Conservation Trust (TCT)
Tasmanian National Parks Association (TNPA)
Tasmanian Planning Information Network (TasPIN)
Tasmanian Ratepayers Association Inc.
The Bob Brown Foundation
The Bruny Island Community Association (BICA)
The Friends of the Leven
The Rosny Hill Friends Network
The Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc.
The Wilderness Society (Tasmania) Inc. (TWS)
Waterworks Valley Community Group
Waterworks Valley Landcare Group
Westbury Region Against the Prison Inc
Woodbridge Community Association
Wynyard Landcare   

Support Us

Make a donation to Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania. By supporting us you are ensuring that we can continue to advocate and protect Tasmania's future through better planning.

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