State Elections


Democracy cannot function without communication. If voters are to make informed choices among candidates, they must have the opportunity to learn about candidates’ policy positions. During the last two State Elections PMAT surveyed candidates to ask their position on planning.

PMAT's Key Concerns

  1. No compulsory requirement for all State Election candidates to provide their contact details to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission. Obtaining candidate email addresses by the community is difficult, time consuming and in many instances impossible within election timeframes. Democracy cannot function without communication. To make informed choices among candidates, voters must be able to contact candidates to learn about their policy positions.

  2. Political donations are unregulated in Tasmania, undermining democracy. Property developers and their associates for example, can donate to political parties and candidates unlike in NSW, QLD and ACT.

PMAT's Key Recommendations

  1. All election candidates must provide their contact details (at minimum their email address), to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission. To make informed choices among candidates, voters must be able to contact candidates to learn about their policy positions.

  2. All State Election candidates’ contact details (at minimum their email addresses), must be made publicly available by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission, in a timely and easily accessible format e.g. by both spreadsheet and PDF.

  3. Reform electoral funding ensuring integrity, transparency and accountability. Prohibit property developers and their associates from making political donations to political parties and candidates, as in NSW, ACT and QLD. Ensure there are no loopholes such as donating through charitable structures. Banning property developer donations to political parties and candidates will reduce the risk of corruption.tural Heritage Protection Act would protect Aboriginal Cultural heritage.


PMAT's Planning Policy 2018 State Election Scorecard

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