Liberals Development Assessment Panels

Waverley deputy mayor Elaine Keenan, pictured with Brent Jackson, said residents were locked out of planning decisions which were made by “unelected faceless men and women”. CREDIT:DOMINIC LORRIMER

Sydney Morning Herald Opinion Piece: How ‘unelected faceless men and women’ keep approving NSW developments’

“Local planning panels were created to stamp out corruption, but councillors from across the political spectrum say they favour developers and undermine democratic accountability.
Liberal mayors have joined Labor and Greens councillors in criticising the NSW planning system.”

Sydney Morning Herald Opinion Piece: How ‘unelected faceless men and women’ keep approving NSW developments’ Read More »

The Mercury on the 29 November 2023 entitled ‘New planning proposal removes independent review of decisions and risks, undermining confidence’, by Anja Hilkemeijer and Cleo Hansen-Lohrey lecturers in law at the University of Tasmania who teach constitutional law and administrative law respectively.

Opinion Piece: New Planning Proposal Removes Independent Review of Decisions and Risks, Undermining Confidence

PMAT concurs with the opinion piece, published in The Mercury on the 29 November 2023 entitled ‘New planning proposal removes independent review of decisions and risks, undermining confidence’, by Anja Hilkemeijer and Cleo Hansen-Lohrey lecturers in law at the University of Tasmania who teach constitutional law and administrative law respectively.

Opinion Piece: New Planning Proposal Removes Independent Review of Decisions and Risks, Undermining Confidence Read More »

"Say No to The Liberals Development Assessment Panels" newspaper clipping

Opinion Piece: Where is the Evidence that Councils are Blocking Developments and a New Process is Required?

What is the real reason why the Minister for Planning Michael Ferguson, wants to create DAPs (Development Assessment Panels) to allow property developers to bypass local councils and communities and remove appeal rights?

Opinion Piece: Where is the Evidence that Councils are Blocking Developments and a New Process is Required? Read More »

Scrap the DAP

PMAT Submission – Position Paper on a proposed Development Assessment Panel Framework

The Tasmanian Liberal Government proposes legislation to empower the Minister for Planning to remove assessment and approval of developments from the normal local council process and have it done by Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) i.e. planning assessment panels.

PMAT Submission – Position Paper on a proposed Development Assessment Panel Framework Read More »

PMAT Media Release: Political Overreach – Minister for Planning Wants to Remove Planning Rights & Assume Power to Make Land Use Planning Decisions

A draft legislative proposal, released last week, would enable the Minister to decide if a planning scheme amendment should be initiated – like the highly contentious Cambria Green amendment – and not be the responsibility of local councils as is currently the case.

PMAT Media Release: Political Overreach – Minister for Planning Wants to Remove Planning Rights & Assume Power to Make Land Use Planning Decisions Read More »

Images of high rise buildings situated in Hobart

PMAT Media Release: Removing Democracy and Communities from Planning Decisions

The Rockliff government’s surprise decision to create legislation that gives developers the option to bypass local councils as the decision maker on planning applications represents a weakening of planning rules and sidelining of the democratic process.

PMAT Media Release: Removing Democracy and Communities from Planning Decisions Read More »

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