Letter (to the Editor) Writing Tips 2024

Media Enquiries

Sophie Underwood
PMAT State Director 
0407 501 999

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Hints for writing letters to the editor
  • Write the letter as an email. DO NOT SEND IT AS AN ATTACHMENT.

  • The email addresses are:
    The Mercury: mercuryedletter@themercury.com.au
    The Examiner: mail@examiner.com.au
    The Advocate: news@theadvocate.com.au
  • IN the box at the top of the email where it says “subject” type Letters to the Editor.
    Keep the letter short and to the point. Try not to waffle or repeat what you are trying to say.

  • Try to incorporate some wry humour into the letter or a simple phrase that people can relate to e.g. in my short letter today I wrote “In your dreams Mr Walsh”.

  • Always always write the letter “from the heart”. A passionate letter will make it every time.

  • Always attempt to write the letter as soon as an article hits the press, don’t wait until the next day- it may be too late.
  • It is a good idea to reference your subject matter e.g. (Mercury “Bla Bla Bla” July 11 th)

  • Try to get your point across in as polite a manner as possible. Whilst pollies and the like are (to put it mildly) an irritating bunch, being over rude in print won’t work. I like to address them as e.g. Mr Gutwein, but that’s your call.

  • Don’t use too many phrases set in punctuation e.g. () or “ “.
  • Don’t let your sentences be tooo long or too short!
  • Check all grammar, spelling and punctuation. And then check it again.
  • Ensure any long words or words out of common use are spelt correctly and in the right context.
  • Check and recheck facts and quotations.
  • Always put your full name and address and telephone number at the end of the letter.
  • Expect that some “clever Harry” will get your phone number and may ring to congratulate or abuse you.
  • Expect rejections and just keep plodding on with the letters.
  • Expect rebuttals by other letter writers.
  • Expect people you know and others to comment on your letters (favourably or not).

Good Luck and don’t despair if your letter isn’t published. The next one may be. Who

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