Plan Place: State Planning Provisions Review

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Sophie Underwood
PMAT State Director
0407 501 999

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Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania, in their platform seek to improve the liveability and wellbeing of all Tasmanians, has engaged Plan Place Pty Ltd to prepare a submission to the State Planning Provisions (SPPs) 5-year review concerning the following zones:
• General Residential Zone (GRZ);
• Inner Residential Zone (IRZ); and
• Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ).

The terms of reference of the submission considers these zones and their statutory function in the context of:
• Adapting provisions to respond to climate change in urban and sub-urban settings; • Improving residential amenity and the liveability for Tasmanians;
• Subdivision standards and improving the quality of new residential lots through the provision of street trees;
• Improving the quality of densification;
• Improving health outcomes, including mental health for Tasmanians;
• Facilitating an increased supply of housing choice and social justice;
• Achieving a higher standard of building design, to provide community with more certainty in the planning process;
• Supporting and encouraging the long-term security of natural biodiversity, regenerate native endemic habitat, protect old-growth trees, bush and forests, and value and encourage space for gardens, food security and nature, by offering incentives and planning gains, as appropriate;
• Improving terms and definitions within the SPPs;
• Benchmark the above against the world’s best practice residential standards (e.g.The Living Community Challenge); and
• Exemptions at Clause 4.0 of the SPPs.

In context of the terms of reference, this submission calls on the review to modify the SPPs, highlighting the need for action. Recommendations are stated in each section and in the conclusion. The submission recommends changes to the SPPs for the four residential zones to improve integration of liveability principles and to respond appropriately to climate change.

Read full submission below.

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