Media Release

We call on Government to release the State of the Environment Report 2024 without delay.

Joint Media Release: Decade-late State of the Environment Report should be immediately released

Today, 28 organisations have signed an open letter to the Rockliff Government calling for the immediate publication of the first State of the Environment Report in 15 years and for the government to act upon the report’s findings. Tasmania has been without a report since 2009 following the government’s failure to meet legal obligations to publish a report every 5 years.

Joint Media Release: Decade-late State of the Environment Report should be immediately released Read More »

Abbotsbury Beach, Tasmania by Eric J Woehler.

Media Release: Tasmanian community overwhelmingly rejects proposed retrospective changes to State Coastal Policy

With just over 400 submissions made in the briefest of public comment periods, 97% of submissions received by the Tasmanian Government were opposed to the proposed retrospective changes to the State Coastal Policy.

Media Release: Tasmanian community overwhelmingly rejects proposed retrospective changes to State Coastal Policy Read More »

Abbotsbury Beach by Eric J Woehler

Joint Media Release: Proposed changes to Tasmania’s Coastal Policy touches community nerve

A coalition of community groups concerned for Tasmania’s coasts have welcomed the hundreds of public submissions made in response to the Tasmanian Government’s proposed legislation to retrospectively change the State Coastal Policy – a Policy that has protected Tasmania’s coasts for almost 30 years.

Joint Media Release: Proposed changes to Tasmania’s Coastal Policy touches community nerve Read More »

Background Report & Joint Media Releases: Scrap proposed legislation to weaken State Coastal Policy

PMAT, and other Tasmanian conservation organisations, are calling on the State Government to halt plans to retrospectively amend the Tasmanian State Coastal Policy, commit to not interfere with the Robbins Island Supreme Court case and to release its legal arguments regarding the status of existing coastal structures.

Background Report & Joint Media Releases: Scrap proposed legislation to weaken State Coastal Policy Read More »

Robbins Island, Tasmania by Rob Blakers

Joint Media Release: State Government must scrap its proposed legislation to weaken the Tasmanian Coastal Policy

Tasmanian conservation organisations repeat their call for the State Government to scrap their retrospective legislation to amend the Tasmanian State Coastal Policy, commit to not interfering with the Robbins Island Supreme Court case and to release its legal reasons regarding the status of existing coastal structures.

Joint Media Release: State Government must scrap its proposed legislation to weaken the Tasmanian Coastal Policy Read More »

Robbins Island, Tasmania by Rob Blakers

Joint Media Release: State Government must not legislate to kill ongoing court case over Robbins Island wind farm

PMAT, and other Tasmanian conservation organisations, are calling on the State Government to halt plans to retrospectively amend the Tasmanian State Coastal Policy, commit to not interfere with the Robbins Island Supreme Court case and to release its legal arguments regarding the status of existing coastal structures.

Joint Media Release: State Government must not legislate to kill ongoing court case over Robbins Island wind farm Read More »

Wilderness Society Logo, Bob Brown Foundation Logo, PMAT Logo, Grant Logo, Save Kuanyi Logo

Media Release: Tasmanian Conservation Organisations Urge Candidates to Oppose Government’s Proposed Developer-Friendly Assessment Process for National Parks and Reserves 

Tasmanian nature conservation organisations with decades of experience working to create and protect world heritage areas, national parks and other reserves have united to urge election candidates to ‘Scrap the DAPs’ for reserved land.

Media Release: Tasmanian Conservation Organisations Urge Candidates to Oppose Government’s Proposed Developer-Friendly Assessment Process for National Parks and Reserves  Read More »

PMAT Media Release: Political Overreach – Minister for Planning Wants to Remove Planning Rights & Assume Power to Make Land Use Planning Decisions

A draft legislative proposal, released last week, would enable the Minister to decide if a planning scheme amendment should be initiated – like the highly contentious Cambria Green amendment – and not be the responsibility of local councils as is currently the case.

PMAT Media Release: Political Overreach – Minister for Planning Wants to Remove Planning Rights & Assume Power to Make Land Use Planning Decisions Read More »

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